On behalf of the Sapere International board I would like to wish all our members and friends a happy, healthy and safe 2021.
I do not think many of us are sad to leave the year of 2020 behind. The Covid-19 pandemic and the following restrictions have affected us all in different, and for some in difficult ways. It will possibly have long-lasting impact on behaviour and therefore also areas as travel, education, work and the way we meet and interact in the future.
We can see that our members have adjusted their activites to the situation, for instance TastEd by their nice offer of support for Taste education at home https://www.tasteeducation.com/tasted-at-home/. We have learned a lot about how to use digital solutions, something I hope we will have use of in our future Sapere activites. Our members in Japan tried a remote taste class last year, for five years old children, with great success. The experimental event was introduced by Japanese TV news. Another nice example how digitalization opens up for new target groups is the Food education event arranged by Helsinki university in November 2020 which was partly in English and open to our Sapere members. 2020 was also the first year we started to use a digital solution for our boardmeetings, it works well and makes it much easer to quickly assemble the board (who lives in; Norway – Einar Risvik, France – Jacques Leignel, Switzerland – Caroline Reverdy, Belgium – Didier Kariger, Finland – Arja Lyytikainen, UK – Jason O’Rourke and Sweden – myself).
But, as human beings we are all sensory creatures, I hope we will soon be able to arrange a Sapere member meeting and interact live as well.
And remember, if you have news or questions of interest for the network and the website www.sapere-association.com do not hesitate to post it in our Facebook group or send an email to Caroline Reverdy at .
Warm regards/
Stina Algotson,
January 13, 2021